A Decade of Transformation: The Lemann Foundation and Columbia


Since Columbia University and the Lemann Foundation joined forces a decade ago, they have created an array of initiatives doing more for Brazil and more for Columbia students. To highlight the impact of ten years of partnership between the University and Jorge Paulo Lemann and the Lemann Foundation, Columbia produced a light-hearted video in vintage newsreel style.

From the Lemann Fellows and the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies to the Lemann Professorship in Brazilian Public Policy, to support for Columbia Entrepreneurship, tennis, and programs at SIPA, Teachers College, and the Law School—the partnership between the Lemann Foundation and the University is remarkable. 

Since 2009, more than 1,700 Brazilian students and 812 visiting Brazilian scholars from 49 cities across Brazil have passed through Columbia's gates. Our Global Center in Rio has been thriving for six years, sponsoring more than 263 programs. Ninety-nine Lemann fellows are working in fields from journalism to public health. Each of them returns to Brazil to create positive change by teaching, starting businesses, and fostering innovation.


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