Nothing outweighs our commitment to bringing the best students to Columbia and encouraging their success here and in the future.

The Columbia Student Support Initiative, launched in April 2021, is a concerted four-year effort involving all of Columbia’s schools. Donors contribute vitally needed resources for undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and other forms of assistance critical to student success and well-being. Because the needs of students at each school differ to some degree, each school will set its own goals and chart its own path. But the spirit animating the Initiative is shared across the institution: We believe that a Columbia education is transformative for our students and financial need should not be a barrier to accessing it.

Columbia College’s commitment to the support of our students is already deeply instilled in our collective being. It begins with our long-standing policies of need-blind undergraduate admissions and meeting 100% of our students’ demonstrated financial need. This campaign will ensure that access to a Columbia College education is unconstrained by family wealth and that we do our very best to support students who choose careers that serve the public good.

Increasing scholarship aid for the next generation of newsroom leaders.